Men do want and need a mission. Most Christian men have been taught over the past seventy-plus years to connect “mission” with the Great Commission. “Go and make disciples”—that’s the mission. 

But perhaps we’ve understood mission too narrowly. A sampling of “men on mission in the Bible” reveals:

  • a farmer told to build an ark
  • a shepherd commissioned by a burning bush to free a nation
  • a father, up in years, instructed to sacrifice his son
  • a boy sent to bring his soldier brothers their lunch who, in the process, slays a giant
  • a fisherman summoned to leave his nets and follow a teacher
  • a tax collector invited to push away from his ledger and follow the same teacher
  • a religious leader blinded in order to see

What are we to conclude? These men weren’t trying to create a mission. Heck, it doesn’t appear as if they were even looking for one! 

Try this: Missions find you.

You don’t have to find them. A man will have several missions in his lifetime. They are bigger than he knows and always have a purpose that includes both his heart and the hearts of others.

An excerpt from The Heart of a Warrior. Learn more here.

The Heart of a Warrior

The Heart of a Warrior English

Men have a glorious and significant role in God’s Larger Story. They also are the target of a special warfare aimed continually and ruthlessly at the center of their being… their masculine hearts. Naivety and ignorance keep many men running in circles while misinformation and poor training keep many more in bondage. Men are wounded, frustrated, angry and being crushed under the weight of criticism and expectations. The attempted solutions of recent years is education; tell men what they are doing wrong and give them a list to memorize. This strategy isn’t working and its time we fall back to an Ancient One. What if we are setting men up for failure rather than helping them be free? Join author and guide, Michael Thompson, as he invites men to a place of training and orientation that will ensure both a settled heart and a fierce courage. A man cannot enter this battle without knowing he is a Beloved Son. After all, that is what the battle is all about!