What if you could live your life from a heart that was settled in love, convinced of its worth, and moved by purpose and true desire? What if you could live unafraid and unashamed, sure that you belong? Welcome to The Deepening Journey!

The Deepening Journey was recorded at The Deepening Weekend, birthed out of friendship and conversations in which our guide team shared our own stories of knowing God, being known by Him, exploring our hearts, and friendships.

    As women, we long to experience the reality that we are seen, known, and extravagantly loved … to experience our belovedness.

    Our hearts need rest. Comfort. Clarity. We need a chance just to be still. To hear God. Oh, we so desperately want and need to hear God. We long to hear God’s wisdom for the situations and details of our lives, but perhaps even more, we need to hear God’s heart about our very existence. Do you see me, Father? Does my heart matter to You? Am I pleasing to you?

    And we have questions about our existence as women. What am I made for? Where do I fit in your design? What is the glory that You’ve assigned to my life?

    Through The Deepening Journey, you are invited to explore with us some of how we were made to live and flourish in the Kingdom of God, what comes against that intended flourishing, and the offer of healing, integration, and restoration

    Throughout the six sessions of The Deepening Journey, you’ll have opportunities to explore more of your story and the incredible journey of your heart - in both time alone with God and in community with other women.

    How It Works

    Simply purchase The Deepening Journey, which includes one copy of the Journal Workbook and access to the six video sessions. Each session, you’ll watch the video, take notes in the Journal Workbook, then engage the questions in the Journal Workbook as a group. Between sessions, there are questions to invite you into intimacy with God through the Time Alone with God questions at the end of each session.

    What You’ll Need

    The Deepening Journey Journal Workbook and internet access.

    Small Groups

    Are you leading or part of a group exploring The Deepening Journey with friends? We would be honored to pray for you and your group, as well as be a resource for you in this journey. Register your group by completing this form and be sure to download the Leader Guide. Questions? Please connect with The Deepening Experience team at care@thedeepeningexperience.com

    Video Session Summaries

    What DID the Trinity intend when they created us as women? In this session, Robin invites us to consider the story in which we find ourselves, and that women were made to experience belovedness, wholeheartedness, and to bear God’s image through strength, beauty, relationships, and the Mother heart of God.

    If we were truly created to experience belovedness and wholeheartedness, why aren’t we? In this session, Sherry invites us to consider the False Self we’ve created in order to protect ourselves and to secure love; how, in response to shame, we hide, prove, or fear, causing the True Self to live small...or lost. The truth is, to discover who we are, we need to see who we aren’t.

    What happened to you? In this session, Dana invites us to consider going back into our stories - into the beauty and the brokenness, the joy and the pain, the places where the False Self was created, and Eden was lost.

    What does healing look like? What if Jesus wants to partner with us for our healing? In this session, Robin invites us to consider what it might look like to experience Jesus’ presence, his comfort, his care, his healing - in the midst of the darkness, and in the places of our pain. Engaging with Jesus on the path towards our healing is an essential part of the restoration of our True Self...tasting Eden!

    Why are we drawn to epic stories and movies? Have you considered the context of YOUR story? In this session, Michael invites us to consider the Larger Story our stories are set in, and the significance of orientation: knowing who we are, where we are, and the good God is up to in our lives.

    How opposed is friendship? In this session, Sherry invites us to consider the significance of living in redemptive friendships of hearts, of knowing and being known. We were created for relationships, to have friends witness and accompany us through the adventure of life.

    • Is formed when women pursuing intimacy with God come together to know and be known, to share life in the Kingdom together, aspiring to grow in love for one another.
    • Is a place where a woman’s true, authentic self is invited and welcomed.
    • Is a place where a woman’s glory is pursued, not her sin.
    • Is a place where, at its core, the belief that the redeemed heart is good fuels both acceptance and growth.
    • Is a safe and trusting place where deep places of the heart and soul can be pursued, known, and touched.
    • Is a space where we seek to offer good care to one another. Where we hold space for stories, processing, pain, and grief. Where we aspire to listen well and respond with kindness and curiosity, without judgment and without trying to fix or give advice.
    • Is a place where everyone is free to participate, offer, and contribute. Where no one's glory is muted, their wounds honored, and their stories valued.
    • It cannot be a substitute for God, but rather is a place God inhabits, and what God designed in order for love and life to be experienced.
    • It must be small. It must be intimate.
    • Is a place where our lives intersect, and how we live in the kingdom together. Where we pray, play, worship, eat, share, care for, and journey together. Ideally, it is intergenerational.
    • It is larger than itself. It must be missional and intentional—for others and on behalf of others.
    • It cannot be contained in a day, a time, or a room.
    • It will be messy. In the complexity and messiness of relationships, we understand God will provoke and disrupt in order for there to be opportunities for healing and growth, and for the possibilities of moving in new ways of relating. Change and disruption are inevitable and even necessary.
    • Is a place where we understand that the Life and Love of God and each other is fiercely opposed, and we therefore acknowledge that we are in a battle and have an enemy that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
    • Is a space where walking with God together for healing, transformation, validation, training, and initiation is seen as a sacred privilege and priority.
    To access a free video session of The Deepening Journey, please complete the form below.

    Zoweh is a nonprofit partner supported ministry.

    We are with you and for YOU in your journey. Would you consider financially partnering with us as we come alongside women on their journey of healing and wholeheartedness by starting a monthly gift?