Think about it: what if there was a person—even better, three persons—who longs to make it so that you are never alone, always seen, always wanted and constantly invited? A person who sees to it that you are appreciated and even sought after. Can you imagine someone who wants to not only share the holidays with you but also the every-days of life? Someone who is not only strong enough to rescue and deliver you but who can also protect and provide for you. A Father who will be beside you the rest of the journey home and beyond. Someone who is so crazy about you that He is willing to die for you. Someone wanting to be your friend in celebrating the good times and comforting you in the bad times. Someone who knows you need a lot of help and who is willing to counsel, teach, guide and comfort you on your journey. What if?

There is a God—Father, Son and Spirit—and He wants to do all this in a million different ways over a multitude of moments in our lives and in the lives around us. This is amazing news. But what if there was a force committed to keeping us from the very relationship we were created for and need the most? What if this force plants seeds of doubt that lead us to fear and away from trust and love? What if we were duped into believing a lie that keeps us from all that is offered by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What if?

An excerpt from Search and Rescue.

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue Book Resource

We desperately need to recover the critical components of a much Larger Story, the pieces of a Larger Gospel that have been lost, misplaced, misunderstood, underestimated or worse, stolen. Search and Rescue is an invitation to look for what has been lost in our lives and more importantly, to actually be the one that needs to be searched for, rescued and restored.

In Search and Rescue, Michael Thompson encourages believers and those curious to the faith to accompany him in the quest to find the Life and the Love we were meant for… There is a Life and a Love that is looking for you. Are you ready to be found?