And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

Ephesians 6:12, MSG

The Two Kingdoms in the Spiritual Realm are in a great conflict that is taking place all around us and even within us. They are in a war—a war over and for us.

The Two Kingdoms do not negotiate, nor are they ever friendly or diplomatic with one another. Matthew 11:12 says,

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.”

When we choose to ignore this larger landscape—the true elements in which we live, we will find ourselves in danger. Naiveté will bring confusion, disorientation and a life that will almost make sense but leave much to be desired.

You do not want to live not knowing where you are, who or what is after you, why you are being both hunted and sought after and what it is they want.

One kingdom’s hope is to go undetected for as long as possible so we will settle for less. For a smaller story. The other Kingdom desires nothing less than to break through, to be seen and even be entered into so that we might live Life to the fullest.

An excerpt from Search and Rescue.

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue Book Resource

We desperately need to recover the critical components of a much Larger Story, the pieces of a Larger Gospel that have been lost, misplaced, misunderstood, underestimated or worse, stolen. Search and Rescue is an invitation to look for what has been lost in our lives and more importantly, to actually be the one that needs to be searched for, rescued and restored.

In Search and Rescue, Michael Thompson encourages believers and those curious to the faith to accompany him in the quest to find the Life and the Love we were meant for… There is a Life and a Love that is looking for you. Are you ready to be found?