The false self blocks off the flow of free, uninhibited intimacy between us and the Trinity. God’s love is always coming our way and we are always caught up in it. Romans says nothing can separate us from it. However, our ability to experience his love is often hindered by the false self. This is so important that we step into this so we don’t hide from it and step back from it. Because this false self allows us to avoid the deepest questions of the heart, to keep us at arm’s length from our true self. For when we don’t know our deepest true self, we miss God and what he has for us.

God created our true selves, and God invites this true self into a deep relationship with him. It is so important to see this false self where it came from, the effects that it had on our lives, and how we can partner with Jesus and dismantling it so that we’re free to experience more and more of  this love that we were created for and created to abide in. But first, we must identify it.