We love how movies can illustrate biblical truth in such a powerful way, for stories take us straight to our hearts. In the movie Wonder Woman, Diana was a beloved daughter, and that was foundational for her. And everything she did was motivated by love. Every single thing was motivated by love.

She’s caught up in a larger story, a love story set in the midst of a fierce battle. Right? Good versus evil; The Kingdom of Darkness and The Kingdom of Light, Kingdom of God. Diana is a woman living from her whole heart and learning to live from her whole heart. She’s becoming more and more awake and alive. She’s learning who she is and stepping into more and more of her true self and her glory, what she uniquely brings to the world and particularly this mission.

This is a phenomenal picture of us. Diana is a phenomenal picture of what it looks like for us as women in the kingdom of God.

When I watch this, my heart and my true self and my glory is invited to rise up, to engage and to enter in, to bring my strength as a woman, my courage, all within the context of beloved, this being the beloved daughter being rooted and grounded in being dearly loved.

Again, this film, Wonder Woman, this story is a picture of the gospel, a beautiful picture of the gospel.