It was life changing for me when Gary Barkalow introduced us to the glory of our lives; how we each individually, uniquely reflect the Glory of God! What he has written on my heart that is unique to me, what I am passionate about and what makes me come alive, how I uniquely shimmer and reflect His beauty, His heart, his Glory … it is all what makes up my unique glory. And it all reflects the beauty and majesty of our God.

I have been on a quest of leaning into and letting Jesus uncover my unique glory. Something He has shown me is that the enemy comes at us here. To mute and diminish, to dull and keep hidden our glory. He assaults and disrupts, steals, kills, destroys so that we are taken out, kept from the good, the abundant life and love that we were made for.

We have all learned the hard way, haven’t we? We have all experienced wounding to varying degrees. Sometimes they are devastating events: death, divorce, betrayal, abandonment, abuse.

Sometimes it is the collection of 1,000 more subtle things, repeating a variety of dramatic scenes over time, over and over, where the enemy hopes we will mishandle, misinterpret, misunderstand and walk away a little more dazed and confused than the day before.

It is like a slow erosion.

Literally as I write this, I get a text from our youngest daughter:

My favorite horse is dead.

Abbey has loved horses and ridden since she was a little girl. She has loved animals more than people for her entire life. She has been deeply hurt and wounded by humans, but animals have never let her down.

So, what does the enemy of her heart go after?  Her glory and her deep heart, her love for animals and her passion to see them protected and rescued.

An excerpt from The Deepening Weekend for Women.