So where does healing and restoration begin? It starts in the soil of our hearts. Our hearts are a secret garden, the holy place where God himself has taken up residence. And as believers, we have access to two realms: the physical and the spiritual. We are of the earth, and of the stars. We were born of the flesh and then we are born again of the spirit. This garden, our hearts, is the intersection of heaven and earth, which is pretty mind blowing, if you think about it. God in me and me in him.

This is where healing begins and everything else flows out from this place. So as we pursue healing, we are going go do some gardening in this beautiful, wild place that holds all of this unfinishedness, all of our questions, our aches, our fears, our failures, as well as all of our unfathomable beauty and wildness of a garden full of fragrance, promise and invitation.