We invite you to watch the video below, then consider the questions below.

1. As men, we want to be courageous. What does courage look like to me? (Saying “I’ve never done anything courageous” cannot be an answer.) Father, what does courage look like to You? Bring to my remembrance the most courageous thing I’ve ever done.

2. Jay described having a settled heart, which implies that we can also have an unsettled heart. Holy Spirit, what does having an unsettled heart mean?

The Heart of a Warrior Expedition

The Heart of a Warrior Expedition YouVersion Reading Plan
Many men have been led to believe that they have to create a mission for their lives. What if we told you that instead of you having to craft the mission that the mission finds you? Join us on an eight day video journey where Michael Thompson, author of The Heart of a Warrior and his friends Jay, Blake and Jim talk about what's in the way and coming against us as we embark on the journey of the heart and the Mission God has for you.