Warrior Hearts: Orientation Through Healing and Training

We wrote in the Heart of a Warrior Leader’s Guide…

God seeks to train up men who are Oriented; men who can guard their hearts, fiercely love their families, loyally protect their friends, and engage their lives in a large and weighty mission.

This is a Kingdom mission that has found them and is calling them to band together with other like hearted men… summoning courage, heart, and wisdom; standing together against the evil that opposes them and staying together for the freedom that will come if they are willing to fight for it. It is the Father’s love that will deploy such men into the roles they were meant to play… even the role of Warrior, sent into the battle for the hearts of others. It is both foolish and hazardous for a man to settle for a part he was not meant to play; a part that is less than what is right, good, and true. Men are made in the image of God and He fully intends to turn good men loose into this fallen world on mission for the Kingdom.

Walking with God to discover the Life He is offering, the Life He promised, and the LIFE the Father, Son and Spirit enjoy is the greatest Expedition in which a man can give himself. Joining the company of other good men, committed to heading in the same holy direction; there is brotherhood forged on such a journey… a special kind of bond that will truly last for eternity.

This describes much of why we created The Heart of a Warrior Resources and Weekend; to provide environments and tools to orient men, help them with their healing and training so they can be men on mission… dangerous for good.  Today, let's pray over and for the 3000+ men who are engaging in the book and small group DVD series, and let's pray for the crucial time of the inviting and recruiting of men who will make up the 350 attending the April 7th-10th Heart of a Warrior Weekend.

Let’s Pray…

Dear God, Holy Trinity, we praise your name.  We worship you and bow to you and surrender our hearts to you again this day.  You are our Life, and our hearts find their home in you.  Thank you for ransoming us, redeeming us, and now lovingly restoring us into the men and women you have designed us to be. You are glorious in all your ways. 

Father, we truly love being your sons and daughters, inheritors of your Kingdom. What an honor and privilege for us to be a part of what you are doing in this fallen world. We proclaim you are good and that you are working all things to the good in us and around us. We align our hearts to join you in this great mission of Life and Love. We need you, we need your help and training. We align our hearts, again, to the learning and the sharing of how to live and love well. 

Jesus, we celebrate you, your triumph over evil at the cross, and your victory over death in your resurrection.  We declare you as both our Savior and our King. Jesus, we pray your power and your grace over all the Heart of a Warrior small groups, books in hands, and over the Heart of a Warrior Weekend. We consecrate these tools and environment for your holy work. We bring your Kingdom over all the invitations going out and ask your favor.

Holy Spirit, pull men, woo men to yourself. Make a path, Holy Spirit, for them to make the weekend.  Give boldness and courage to the men attending who are asking family and friends to join them. 

Bless this weekend, Jesus, for the healing and orientation of men. Bless the men spending time alone with you in the book, men desiring to be better and exploring with you their Belovedness. We pray against all forms of opposition to these initiatives. We bring the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ against Satan and his emissaries and all their work warring against the hearts of men. We pray against busyness and distraction.  We pray against poverty and diminishment. We pray against guilt and shame—all spirits and lies that keep a man down, keep him from hope, faith and love. We pray against the darkness that would have men live small. 

Come, Jesus, in power, come in grace, and come in your fierce tenderness to see men made whole. We pray for Zoweh and their team, and the entrusting of your power and authority to join you in the establishing and advancing of your Kingdom in this season.  Praise be the name of Jesus Christ- our Beloved Savior and Warrior King.   Amen and AMEN!