Stepping Into Other Worlds

But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 (AMP)

My good friend, Tom, and I are on our way home—back to our world in Durham, NC. This past weekend we had the privilege of stepping into the world of Northside Christian Church in Fresno, CA where we were invited to bring The Heart of a Warrior message to their men and to the church. We had a full day on Saturday with the men, 3 sessions on Orientation, exploring the important questions; Where Am I? Who Am I? and What is the Good that God is up to in my Life? These questions invite us to walk with God and encourage us to listen, heal, and engage in the restoration work He is up to in our lives. We then transitioned to the whole congregation during Saturday evening worship and then again two more times on Sunday morning. It was a full couple days and a wonderful time to see Jesus come for hearts in another world.

The Larger Gospel has always traveled, moving to the “uttermost parts of the earth.” (Acts 1:7-8). At the onset of the trip I said to Tom, "I am looking forward to seeing what packages Jesus may be asking us to deliver to these folks." During our travels home, Tom gave me a nudge and said, "Packages delivered.”

It was a joy to connect with men who had been reading The Heart of a Warrior and hear stories of how God is coming for their hearts though the pages. Many more HW books found their owners : ) We pray God will take these customized-for-each-heart delivered packages and see them into Life giving and Life changing men and women. That is another incredible effect of the Larger Gospel, it continues to give and change Life.

Let’s pray...

Dear God, Holy Trinity, thank you for Life and Love… thank you for Loving us back to Life. We thank you and praise you for ransoming, redeeming, and now restoring us. We confess, we need your help, we need your touch, we need your presence in our lives to see this comeback through. Thank you for committing to us to see it through. We claim, He who began a good work...

Father, we take our place in your Larger Story as your Image Bearers now alive in Christ and in your family. We receive all the blessings and all the privileges as beloved sons and beloved daughters, and we confess we need these blessings and privileges. Teach us, Father, how to live and walk and breath and love and forgive like Jesus did. Bring a courage and strength to our hearts that we might stay the course of Life and Love, learning from you how.

Jesus, thank you for becoming like us, sinful man (Romans 8: 1-4, 26-28 MSG), so that we can become like you, glorious. There is no better trade in the universe, you giving your life that we might have one.

Holy Spirit, we confess and proclaim, we need you… Guide us, Counsel us, Teach us, and Comfort us (John 17) in the ways of the Kingdom and our glorious King, Jesus. Please, Holy Spirit, give us eyes to see and ears to hear your presence and your voice. We can not do this alone, nor can we turn to others to be our primary source of Life and Love. You alone, Holy Spirit, can fill us and do a work in us to see us become more and more like Jesus.

We claim the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over the kingdom of darkness and over all their schemes, lies, and assaults against Zoweh, its team, those partnering with Zoweh, and all those you have given to Zoweh to encourage. We bring the fullness of the Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension over all of Zoweh, this I-Team, and all our families and all our work on behalf of the Kingdom and its King, Jesus Christ. We bring the provision and protection of Christ now, over Zoweh, its team, the mission and all that is needed to forge ahead into other worlds where there are opportunities to see hearts free. Come, Jesus, come. It is in the name of our Savior, Shepherd and King, Jesus Christ, we pray, amen and AMEN.