Chapter 9: What We Are Up Against

In this chapter, I want to explain this enemy of our hearts and what we are up against. Satan, this fallen world, and the false-self make up the unholy trinity. To truly know the context of our story, we need to know these characters and the environment in which we find ourselves—the Larger Story our story is in. Underestimate the kingdom of darkness and you will underestimate the Life God has delivered you from and the Life He has given you. If and when we do that, we are compromised as men and will therefore resort to living small.

How susceptible we are to falling. The greater affects of the fall make life hard. Hope- fully, you and your men can now see the story you have been born into and its con- text—WAR. Our only true hope is to learn how to walk with God and see our true glory restored—the image we bear and carry.

Soon we are going to fully turn into the chapters on the Warrior. I want to both warn and help the men know, you do not want to let this false self creature reassemble. This chapter is heavy on biblical references which men might tend to gloss over or skip. Don’t let them. We’re not trying to convince men the enemy exists. Rather, we are attempting to show and tell how Jesus handled the enemy and has equipped us with position, power, and authority to do the same.

Our desire is to help men and women experience more love, more life, and more freedom by enjoying more intimacy, oneness, and connectedness with God and others. Zoweh is a partner supported mission. We'd love for you to partner with us!