Chapter 8: The Ways of Beloved Sons

This chapter serves as a book break to make the distinct transition from Beloved Son to Warrior, because that is what we need to do as men—get healing, become well, and then transition to the critical role of Warrior. This is the foundational transition the Beloved Son must make if he is ever going to know how to fight.

Although we have come to know experientially that we are Beloved Sons, the battles we didn’t know how to fight in our past will continue to be the battles in which we find ourselves.

The false self and the kingdom of darkness don’t give up just because they have been kicked out of the heart.

The Warrior must see and hear when the false self rises up. Instead of letting it roll on in and attempt a mutiny, a man exercises his will with the power and authority (which he has always had as a Beloved Son) to defeat what comes against him. It’s a new battle! With helmet on, sword out and shield up a man defends his most precious place; his heart.

As Warrior men we must continue to receive love from the Father. It isn’t seasonal or a one-time event. Belovedness is to go with a man till the end of his days here on earth. We will need to experience more and more of His love as we are restored into how each one of us men uniquely bears God’s image. The experience of training is elevated to a more intentional day-to-day practice with God. It is my intention to establish for the men that this growing up and learning how is not easy. If it were, we would have far more men moving about the planet free. Sadly, this is not the case. Far too many of our brothers are still compromised, oppressed, and still imprisoned.

Learning, training, and battling is the good God is up to in a man’s life. It is a glorious and dangerous proposition. Growing and maturing is the aim. Take your time.The wounds happened over time and so the healing and the training can not be rushed.

Our desire is to help men and women experience more love, more life, and more freedom by enjoying more intimacy, oneness, and connectedness with God and others. Zoweh is a partner supported mission. We'd love for you to partner with us!