Chapter 1: From Beloved Sons to Warriors

My hope for Chapter 1 is to give an overview—a summary of things to come—a sample of where God will take us.

We start with two men, Jake and Nathan, who at first glance appear to be worlds apart. But in reality, they are the same man... they are everyman. I hoped to provide a contrast of a prison and a pulpit and show how not so far apart they truly are. Bond- age comes in a variety of forms.

This is where we begin to state “the problem” – disorientation and a bad plan.

Then we we give a taste of the glorious remedy.

This is a book about being a Beloved Son—receiving love from God—and how that settles a man’s heart. It is a book about how a settled heart is also the foundation that is needed for a man to enter the Battle for the hearts of others.

A Warrior is a peacemaker who knows how to be present, when and how to step in, and how to offer truth in a loving way—whether fiercely or tenderly, it is always in love. Just like Jesus!

Our desire is to help men and women experience more love, more life, and more freedom by enjoying more intimacy, oneness, and connectedness with God and others. Zoweh is a partner supported mission. We'd love for you to partner with us!