The Heart of a Warrior Expedition

A video resource for men on the journey to recover their heart

There's a reason good friends are hard to find: you don't find them, you make them. 

Friendships are made on the journey of the heart. Masculine friendship, brotherhood, redemptive community are forged over time. Relationships are deepened when you know one another's stories and journey together in the Kingdom of God for more, discovering who you are and your place in the Kingdom.

Invite a few men (or a few dozen!) to journey together with you into The Heart of a Warrior Expedition small group series. Join Michael Thompson, author of The Heart of a Warrior and Search and Rescue and a few of his closest friends, as they share from their journeys the good that God is up to in their lives - stories of how God has been healing their hearts, and training them up together for the mission that is theirs in the Larger Story.

The Heart of a Warrior Expedition series is designed to accompany The Heart of a Warrior and The Heart of a Warrior Journal Workbook. If you are one of the hundreds of men leading a small group expedition, please take a moment to register your group for some special offers and additional resources for the journey.

To watch The Heart of a Warrior Expedition, complete the form below.

John Eldredge

More Resources from The Heart of a Warrior Expedition

Zoweh Allies
Zoweh Allies are churches, ministries and individuals who are creating environments where redemptive friendships lead to communities that focus on deeper intimacy with God and others.  Think you might be an ally or what to start a small group? Connect with our Allies Team by email.