For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12 NIV

So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

Ephesians 6:11-12 MSG

Dear BraveHearts,

I pray this dispatch finds you well and enjoying the Love of the Father in the midst of this spiritual battle. I find that I am more aware of the battle at times, and then there are those glorious moments when it lessens or I and our team are experiencing a few days of relief or even rest. It, the spiritual battle, seems to never be too far away.

I have found that even on vacation, the battle doesn’t vacation. Our experience is the more we pursue time away with God or times of retreat, rest, or connecting with “loved ones”, the more the enemy of Life and Love ramps up the assaults. Oh yes, haven’t you noticed… accommodation reservations “aren’t in the system”, or colds or flus just "show up” three days into a ten day trip, or that one person that always says the wrong thing at the wrong time is working overtime. Now we know, not every inconvenience is the kingdom of darkness’s doing, but every inconvenience is the enemies opportunity to bring into question the heart of God or our hearts toward one another. Haven’t you noticed it? Or do you believe those moments are just… moments. Again, it may not be the circumstances in which they cause, but the enemy is awfully good at selling an interpretation of events that have us either judging or being judged, deploying the demons of anger and frustration, then backing it all up with spiritual influences of diminishment, guilt, or shame.

Plans of dinners out, quiet nights in, or a celebration of a birthday or anniversary… none are safe from invasion. ISIS has nothing on these fallen angels and their leader. Attempting to interpret our stories without the attention to the kingdom of darkness is not wise. Naivety nor ignorance serves a believer well. If we are ill equipped or ill prepared things go south in a hurry and love doesn’t win the day. What a tragedy?

This past weekend, I had the privilege of being with a large church in Southern Maryland… such a good group of people. It was set up by a few of our Heart of a Warrior Weekend Alumni men, Allies of Zoweh going after the hearts of their community. We had two services in which we shared The Larger Story and the Zoweh Map of Where we are and How it works. It has been a while since I have shared with a group that hasn’t been exposed to this message… the response was wonderful and sobering. Soo thankful for the message and so appreciative of how it was shared.

“This made so much sense, I’ve never heard it like this before… every believer needs to get this.”

We know! That is one of the things we feel passionate about in orienting believers to enter in, step up, understand, and wield their authority against an enemy that knows it is defeated… they’re just hoping we don’t know. Let’s pray…

Dear God, Holy Trinity, thank you for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of the Son, into the Light, and into your Love. You are mighty to save, and we celebrate our Life in you today.

Jesus, thank you for re-capturing all authority, for bringing back, redeeming what Adam forfeited and for making us your co-heirs. We are not only humbled but unable to step into our role without your presence, power, and protection. We long to be your allies and friends, we deeply desire to partner with you for Freedom. Come, Jesus, come!!!

Holy Spirit, come in your power and train up your men and women in the ways of the Kingdom. Guide, counsel, and comfort us as we recover from what the enemy has been doing in our lives, and train us up in how to wield the sword of the spirit, shield of faith, and helmet of salvation. We pledge our allegience to you and proclaim the victory of our Savior and King on this earth. Equip us for the ministry of reconciliation of hearts to yours, and train us up in the loving ways of Christ, the one who calls all things under His Lordship, reign, and rule. We are your men and women, we need your help, and we need your Life and Love.

Bless, dear God, the Friends and Allies of Zoweh. Bless those entering into the fight for the hearts of others. Let us be victorious in our marriages and families then into our communities. As you have loved us, teach us how to love one another. We pray we would have eyes to see and ears to hear your love of us and for us and and that we live to tell of your loving ways. We proclaim we are your Be-Loved sons and daughters. Protect us as the enemy whispers lies, otherwise… train us up in the ability to see a trap and to bring a counterattack in the name and authority of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ. In His name and His name alone we pray… Amen and AMEN.