"There is no passion to be found playing small…in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

Nelson Mandela

There is an invitation from Jesus to live humbly. Humility, contrary to popular misinterpretation, is not living in the shadows or small corners. Humility is an internal settled heart that knows who it is and lives with contentment, yet with fierce intention. Jesus was/is the expert and our greatest ally in becoming like Him.

So many men and women have been compromised. It happened to Robin and me, and the enemy of our hearts will attempt it again and again throughout all our lifetimes. The line between Fear and being fully alive to God is a fine one. Many hearts haven’t seen that line in years, much less crossed over it to feel the weight of its crossing and the importance of standing with God filled with a Holy Overwhelming. This is the life we are offered and the life we can live. It is glorious and dangerous, easily misinterpreted and difficult to hold on to. Yet, it is the life we are promised. Not comfort, mind you… but abundant.

As Zoweh enters into a turbulent time—turbulence isn’t a bad thing :) —I am reminded of the kind of life God has intended for us. It was G.K. Chesterton who once wrote...

Jesus promised his disciples three things—that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.

Paul told the Ephesians...

Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16 (AMPLIFIED VERSION)

It is truly a journey for the friends of God and an invitation to love, adventure, and battle. We are written into the story and invited to play a significant part. Do we know it? Do we understand the story we are in and our role to play? If so, then humility is the fruit and a holy overwhelming what fuels our hearts.

Let’s Pray...

Dear God, Holy Trinity, Author of our Story, Creator of ALL things. We worship you and glorify your name. You have made us alive, and we are being restored by your most awesome work and love. Thank you for loving us, for making a part for us in your story. We receive your invitation this day and hold your hand as you lead us into all this day, this season holds for our lives.

Jesus, you have overcome death so we could live. We confess, we have settled at times for a lesser story, a lesser role, and a lesser God. None of which are small and none of which are true. We declare you are above all things, in all things, and hold all things together (Colossians 1). You are mighty, and you are tender. We take our place in the story you are authoring and ask you to reveal your wonder and your ways in our lives. We need you and love you. We pray your blessing on and over our lives this day.

Holy Spirit, we pray you would lead Zoweh and the team into this season of large moments. We pray for courage to fight the battles of the enemies influence on the lives of too many. Naivety, compromise, fear, guilt, and shame have attempted to pull hearts to small living. We stand against small in the name of Jesus and we pray for the advancing of His Kingdom; an everlasting Kingdom of Life, Light, and Love.

We celebrate our life in Christ and proclaim the full work of Jesus that has set us free… The Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ is ours, and we declare our need of it all—all that He has accomplished for us and is accomplishing in us, this work of sanctification where we are becoming more and more like our King. Great is our King… Great is His Kingdom. We pray for the Zoweh mission and those who live, work, and support it. We pray your favor and blessing on the team… the raising of financial resources, the spreading of the Heart of a Warrior message to the hearts of men… A Masculine Reformation of epic proportions Jesus. Come Jesus come!!!

Father, bring your heart. Place it on display for all your Sons, all you are loving, and all you are training up to bestow your power and authority. Touch each man with your love, today, that they would feel, see, hear… experience what it is to be a Beloved son. Infuse, Holy Spirit, your presence and your power in the Heart of a Warrior Expeditions going on around the country. We confess we need more groups of men coming together to talk about you in their lives—who you are, who they are, and what the Larger Story holds for each one. We praise and thank you Jesus for such a holy dignity… for a place to carry your work into the world and establish more and more who you are and whose we are. We pray all of this with great hope and anticipation in the name of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ, to whom all glory and honor and praise belongs!!! Amen and AMEN!