Ally Information
Generation Life Church

Generation Life Church has a unique and beautiful story. It originated as part of New Hope Church, and was their Hillsborough Campus. Post Covid, New Hope decided to close outward campuses and retract back into their home campus near Southpoint Mall. Upon this news, many of the members in Hillsborough who had formed a close relationship did not want to close nor commute as this location had become their church home. So with a crazy idea from a couple, and equally crazy christians, a church was planted. It started with roughly 30 people in a front yard, and within 2 years has approximately 150 consistent members, with 40+ being in the children's ministry. The church is led by Keith Barreto who was the campus pastor in Hillsborough for New Hope. It has been quite a journey and has gone to show that the capital C church will prevail. It started in the purest form, with nothing but the body of Christ and the resources they had at the time. It is now on wheels and moving. I, Derek Stutts, personally lead the men's ministry and have been involved with men's group for the past 10 years. I've trained in Texas with Rise Up Kings as I am a business owner, led multiples groups through Ted Robert's Conquer Series, served with Ignite C3 in Durham, led by Leah Rade, among others. I have a heart and passion to change men. I have been through a lot personally, and have a way to make it happen with the headship of the Holy Spirit. I'd like to connect and be part of what seems like a Triangle based organization such as this, and see where the Lord takes us. I could fill the day telling you more about our Church, our story, our people, and then my story etc., but hopefully this serves as a snapshot of who we are, and what I aim to do. After being around this type of work, men all struggle in their own way, yet very similarly. Father wounds, pain, trauma, identity, lack of leadership at home and at work. It is these areas I'd like to bring our men through and see if by doing so, the Lord bring more people to the doors of GenLife. I personally believe the Church is as strong as the men. All contact info is mine for now, as we are a mobile church. The address is our financial/fiscal address, led by John and Molly Stillman.

36.0944859, -78.9944568

1519 Pleasant Green Rd
Durham, NC, 27705

Primary Contact Information
Derek Stutts