Now that I have trained and become practiced in living a life in experiential union with God Himself, now that it is no longer the separate-I who lives, but the very breath, strength, and life of God-with-me who lives in me, I am ready. Ready for anything, anywhere… And now I live.

I really live.

Morgan Snyder, Become Good Soil Blog

What were we made for? Now, some of the traditional answers passed along in church include “serve God, do his work, be a tool in the Master’s hands, evangelize, fulfill the Great Commission, etc.” But none of these are the primary thing we were made for.

We were created for one thing: to be in intimate relationship with our Creator God, the Trinity.

This is not just any kind of relationship but the key and central relationship we were made for. The relationship through which we will find our true meaning, identity, significance and purpose—our Life. Above all else, centrally and primarily, we were made for intimacy, connectedness and oneness with God. That is where Life—real Life—is found.

Jesus’ mission on earth showed us how to live in relation to God and how He longs to relate to us. He showed us how to relate to others. He showed us how to find Life. When the Pharisees asked Jesus which of the commandments in the law was the greatest, Jesus replied, ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

Jesus was saying, this sums up the law; do this and you will have Life. That is the essence of the image we bear and the Life we were created to live. The invitation from our God is to step into what we were created for—a love relationship with Him.

An excerpt from Search and Rescue.

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue Book Resource

We desperately need to recover the critical components of a much Larger Story, the pieces of a Larger Gospel that have been lost, misplaced, misunderstood, underestimated or worse, stolen. Search and Rescue is an invitation to look for what has been lost in our lives and more importantly, to actually be the one that needs to be searched for, rescued and restored.

In Search and Rescue, Michael Thompson encourages believers and those curious to the faith to accompany him in the quest to find the Life and the Love we were meant for… There is a Life and a Love that is looking for you. Are you ready to be found?